Pre heating the Buffer tank by the solar panel system, clearly gives an advantage to reducing
heating costs, as well as giving extra available hot water potential.
Our triple coil Buffer tank will generally supply either radiator panels, an u/floor system, or a
combination of both for household heating. It can also be split off to help heat a swimming pool
Air Source Heat Pumps (A.S.H.P.) have been chosen as the preferred main heat unit and they can
be run in series to achieve higher outputs. A more detailed explanation can be found under the
section Heating Systems.
As with most renewable heat units, they are less efficient in winter conditions and may not
continuously provide total requirements. We therefore strongly recommend it is further backed up
by either a biomass, gas or oil boiler. This is what makes the 'Mistral Combo' system complete.
All your needs all year, using the appliances when they give their best return.
The fully designed system, operated by the 'Mistral Magic' control unit will give the best all year
round use of the various technologies available now.
Get a complete system delivered to your door ready to install.