Getting the balance right when selecting a system which can provide for your hot water needs,
may be down to economics, environmental concerns, personal preference or simply convenience.
Mistral have selected 2 systems which we believe will give a modern day approach to providing hot
water for the home for either new, or indeed replacement systems, Solar Panels and Air Source
Heat Pumps.
Solar Panels for Hot Water
Solar panels are a highly efficient method of extracting energy directly from the sun to provide
hot water for the home.
The benefits of using solar technology to heat water are enormous, once you have your system
installed. Not only is it free energy, it is also an investment in the property and helps the
In conjunction with our Buffer tank, it can also provide a hot water start up for your heating
system, rather than the solar pump station being shut down when the solar cylinder is up to
Average family of 4 can be provided for by a 2 panel set up, with app. 200 litre cylinder.
The system can provide 70% average annual consumption up to 100% water needs in
the summer.